On any given day in San Bernardino County, there are approximately 2,321 homeless adults and children.
Of those children, over half will go hungry tonight.
One-fifth of homeless children will be separated from their immediate family at some point.
Many assume that homelessness is not a family issue, but homeless families comprise one-third of the total homeless population.
Over half of those families will be forced to break up in order to be properly housed (many transitional shelters do not accept both males and females).
Inland Housing Solutions believes that homeless families, given the chance, can rebuild their lives and achieve self-sufficiency.
Families emerge from our program empowered and armed with the tools to reestablish themselves in the community.
Inland Housing Solutions Infinite Horizons Program uses a Rapid Re-housing model designed to help families quickly exit homelessness and return to permanent housing. The program offers housing navigation, security deposit, rental assistance, utility deposits, case management, mental health services, life skills classes, and follow-up services.
We serve very low income families and individuals, medically fragile, and inviduals and families who are not stabily house in San Bernardino & Riverside Counties.
We define a family as at least one adult having a biological or custodial relationship with at least one minor child.
If the adults in family are a couple they must either be married or the mutual parents of at least one child.
Custodial parents may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, etc.
Since our motto at Inland Housing Solutions is, "Keeping families together", non-minor children with a qualifying family will be included.
Inland Housing solutions offers a variety of services to individuals and families, to assist them on their journey to self-sufficiency. The following services are offered to all of our clients:
Are you interested in being connected to housing resources in San Bernardino County? Please follow the link to the San Bernardino County Pathways to Housing Network to learn more.